HIGHTEN THE NATURE TO BRIGHTEN THE FUTURE is an invitation to recognize the treasure each of us hold and our responsibility towards it. The treasure refers to our children and ecosystem.
Being real is not without any connection with our natural environment. JVS wish to instill this spirit in our children to give them holistic development. BE THE REAL AND GO GREEN is a relevant call of today.
Society has lost respect for others. But true progress is possible only with tolerance and communal harmony. We need each other. EVERY PERSON MATTERS is a simple reality and the root of all our social and moral teachings.
We are now living in a world where HUMAN TRAFFICKING is the fastest growing criminal enterprise. 50% of the victims are children. We need courage and good will to find ways to freedom that is God’s gift to all of us.
Every child needs to be healthy, enjoying, achieving economic well-being, staying safe and making positive contribution during their life time. Our 68th Independence day celebration challenges us to STAND UP FOR INDIA WHERE EVERY CHILD MATTERS.
Children go through various forms of violence and exploitation. They have unqualified right for protection. The Bal Spandan – heart beat of children – calls us to BREAK THE SILENCE END THE VIOLENCE.
This issue is dedicated to Girl Children. Girl and women encounter challenges simply by virtue of being female. Yet they possess the collective power to change their lives, communities and the world. Let us remember EMPOWERED GIRL EMPOWERS INDIA- BE A CHANGE.
Children go through various forms of violence and exploitation. They have unqualified right for protection. The Bal Spandan – heart beat of children – calls us to BREAK THE SILENCE END THE VIOLENCE.
For most of the parents, children are everything, their hope, ambition and future. Sadly some children are not so fortunate. JVS constantly emits a ray of hope to such children. It is convinced and acclaims at children, YOUR TODAY MAKES OUR TOMORROW.
Children are assets and hope for a better nation. Yet they do not receive necessary support needed to grow as creative partners in nation building. It is a call to make accessible EDUCATION: A CHANCE TO THE CHOICE-LESS CHILDREN.
Christmas is God’s mysterious way to dignify every human being. Every one conceived is not born. But all those born and managed to live are not living with dignity. JVS works towards erasing the dehumanized face of God on such Children. They are BORN TO LIVE IN DIGNITY
It is a special issue on the 15th anniversary of Jan Vikas Society. Children are precious gifts of God and need care to become productive and meaningful. Nobody can deny them to claim this right. JVS has given 15 YEARS OF YEOMAN SERVICE TO CHILD RIGHTS