Become a volunteer or help out with an event

Jan Vikas Society has many volunteering opportunities to teach children & train young people in different soft skills. You can explore your writing and photography skills, apply your creative skills in building our social media profile.

You may also help Us for organizing Session / Camps / Event (medical camp, legal Aid, Literacy programs). You may also help children for Vocational trainings or extra curricular activities like painting, sport, theatre etc

Get in touch

Volunteer your time for a cause
Volunteer your time for a cause

Jan Vikas Society engages volunteers from different backgrounds, exhibiting different skills in its various programmes, projects and campaigns in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai. Anyone who wishes to work with us in voluntary (unpaid) capacity in their free time and at their will can register and work with us as a volunteer.

Volunteer your time for a cause
Who can register as a Jan Vikas Society Volunteer?

Jan Vikas Society has many volunteering opportunities to teach children & train young people in different soft skills. You can explore your writing and photography skills, apply your creative skills in building our social media profile.

Volunteer your time for a cause
Who can register as a Jan Vikas Society Volunteer?

Anyone can register and work as a volunteer with Jan Vikas Society. After you register, your details with be stored in a database. As and when we need your support, we will notify you.

The Beneficiaries