Mermier Bal Ashram is the first rehabilitation center for Street children of Jan Vikas Society established in 1996 at Koperkhairane. Jan Vikas Society also conducts various activities at various location throughout the year
A Project by Jan Vikas Society
The project of school on wheels began in the year 2007. The school on wheels is a classroom that is built in a bus which goes from one slum to another, imparting basic education to the children of road construction workers and migrant labourers who are forced to leave theie children unattended when they go to work. We go to the slums, park the bus under a tree and have their regular school. On seeing the bus approaching their area the children run to the bus and spend a couple of hours learning to read and write
A Project by Jan Vikas Society
Tailoring is a very useful profession for house wives and young ladies. It serves their household stitching and also brings some income for the families. Jan Vikas Society intiated tailoring classes in two of its day care centres to help the poor ladies to spend time positively and make them economically self-sufficient
A Project by Jan Vikas Society
Many programmes of Jan Vikas Society aims at empowering women. This includes vocational trainings, legal aid, legal camps, medical camps, health check-up, HIV testing, legal awareness programmes for women etc. organized by the Day Care Centres
A Project by Jan Vikas Society
Jan Vikas Organises many health camps in its centres at Mermier Bal Ashram, Turbhe Store, Turbhe Naka, Panvel, Indiranagar etc for the benefit of the poor people of the area. This includes general check up, paediatric check-up, Gynaecologic check-up, HIV testing etc. Around 500 people are benefited from these programmes every year
A Project by Jan Vikas Society
AIDS is a big threat to Indian Communities. It is a dire need of the time to check the invasion of HIV from the communities. Therefore, Jan Vikas Society has been organizing various AIDS awareness sessions at the centres, for the people living in the communities and slums. It had taken the issue of AIDS to the schools by making students aware of this disease
A Project by Jan Vikas Society
Legal Aid is a great help to those who wait to get justice done. We are very well aware of the fact that the poor are often delayed justice, sometimes even denied. It was felt was Jan Vikas Society to begin a legal Aid Centre for the weaker sections of the society, especially for women and children in crisis.
A Project by Jan Vikas Society
Our Rehabiltation centres provide for the housing, nutritional care, clothing, medical care, education and entertaiment of the children completely free of charge
A Project by Jan Vikas Society
Jan Vikas Society also provides placement service in various for the poor and needy children. It helps the children to live their lives with dignity and respect and live independently
A Project by Jan Vikas Society
Jan Vikas Society, in its efforts to mitigate the evils of child exploitation networks and co-operates with like minded NGO’s and Systems. It has always promoted and encouraged the involvement of like-minded individuals and their co-operation in running programmes for the children
A Project by Jan Vikas Society
Jan Vikas Society offers various opportunities to find and choose various skills according to the aptitude and interest of the child. The various training possibilities offered by Jan Vikas Society are File making, Bag making, Electrician Training, Computer Software Wielding, Tailoring, Karathe Training, ITI, Driving etc
A Project by Jan Vikas Society
Jan Vikas Society has continuously made efforts in making the public aware of the basic social issue of denying rights to the children through various means. Through its bulletin ‘ Bal Spandan’ it has brought out many relevant issues related to children especially on girl children. It has also used the media of national and local newspaper to conscientize the public about the issues and programmes for the children. Various newspapers have helped in carrying out his advocacy